Trinity University Honors the 2024 Faculty and Staff Awardees

On Tuesday, April 30, 赌博平台网站大全表彰了教职员工对学生权益的杰出贡献, inclusivity, advising, research, teaching, and mentorship. 阅读更多关于今年的获奖者,以及他们如何为赌博娱乐平台网址大全倡导学生成功和培养卓越的使命做出贡献, both in and out of the classroom.

Dr. and Mrs. Z. T. Scott Faculty Fellowship

The Dr. and Mrs. Z.T. 斯科特教师奖学金是赌博娱乐平台网址大全对卓越教学和咨询的最高认可,也是赌博娱乐平台网址大全授予的最负盛名的教师奖项. 该奖学金由现金奖励和额外津贴组成,以供受奖人用于加强其作为教师和顾问的专业发展. Trustee Emeritus Richard M. 克莱伯格三世于1984年设立了该奖学金,以纪念他的祖父母. and Mrs. Z.T. Scott.

Charlene Davis, Ph.D.

Professor and Chair, Business Administration

Charlene Davis 在赌博平台网站大全的27年里,她在教学和指导方面一直保持着卓越的成绩. 现在和以前的学生都认为戴维斯的教学具有挑战性、创造性和支持性. 他们称赞她在课堂上将营销概念带入生活的能力, 他们对她继续指导校友在毕业后寻求职业发展的决心表示感谢. 在任何机构中,都很难找到一位更专注于学生福祉的大学教授. When asked to summarize her teaching philosophy, 戴维斯给出了以下鼓舞人心的评价:“如果我带着快乐去教学, students may find joy in learning. If I approach teaching with respect for its transformative strength, students may find strength and power in learning. 如果我相信教学的尊严和目的, students may find the same in learning.”

Distinguished Achievement Awards

杰出成就奖旨在表彰在大学表现出杰出奉献和成就的教职员工. Employees have been recognized for excellence in areas including advising and mentoring; scholarship, research, or creative work; university, community, and professional service; and early career teaching and scholarship and receive a $2,000 award for their efforts.

Early Career Award for Distinguished Teaching and Research
Erin Kramer, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, History

Erin Kramer has created seven new courses since arriving at Trinity, 在美洲原住民和土著研究领域引入一系列强有力的课程. 她的教学理念基于“自下而上”的教学理念,,以便集中个人和群体的观点,他们的声音因传统的历史来源和方法而被压制. 克莱默的同行评议文章获得了两个主要奖项, including the annual John M. Murrin Prize for the best article published in Early American Studies. Her monograph, 古老的房子:17世纪纽约边疆地区的社区建设, is under contract with the University of North Carolina Press. Kramer was an active participant in the Roots Commission at Trinity, 她目前正在与贝尔县历史学会合作,为赌博娱乐平台网址大全的学生创造实习机会,让他们创作或修改以圣安东尼奥土著历史为重点的历史标记.

Kathryn Vomero Santos, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, English

Kathryn Vomero Santos is a field-shifting teacher-scholar whose work has “redefined,” in the words of one colleague, “what literature and literary studies are for.” Since coming to Trinity, Santos has produced nine peer-reviewed articles and chapters, a co-edited anthology of Shakespearean adaptations entitled The Bard in the Borderlands, and a forthcoming co-edited essay collection. A monograph, Shakespeare in Tongues, is in progress and under contract. The Bard in the Borderlands 项目目前得到了安德鲁·W·盖茨基金会50万美元的资助. Mellon Foundation. As a teacher, Santos has contributed to the First-Year Experience program, the Women’s and Gender Studies Program, the Medieval and Renaissance Studies Program, and the Global Latinx Studies Program. 她开设了许多创新课程,如“莎士比亚作品中缺席的女性”,” “Decolonial Shakespeares,” “Shakespeare in Tongues,” and “Shakespeare and Race,所有这些都直接受到了她令人兴奋的研究议程的启发.

Award for Distinguished Advising and Mentoring
Kyralyssa Hauger-Sanchez, Ph.D.

Lecturer, Chemistry

Kyralyssa Hauger-Sanchez 担任化学、生物化学和分子生物学专业学生的学术顾问. She works closely with students in each major, 讨论学位课程内外的机会选择. In addition, 豪格-桑切斯定期安排对低年级化学班的近100名学生进行检查,并监督化学的同伴辅导项目. One of Hauger-Sanchez’s advisees writes, 她富有同情心的方式不仅让人感到安慰,而且带来了变革. (她)让我意识到,人们真心希望看到我成功,并相信我值得投入时间和精力来培养一段有意义的关系.”

Glenn Kroeger, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Geosciences

Glenn Kroeger is respected across campus as a dedicated servant-leader. 曾多次出任大学课程委员会委员, 克罗格也是设计“路径”课程的几个委员会中不可或缺的成员. He went on to chair the UCC throughout the 2014-15 academic year, when the UCC undertook the task of populating the Pathways elements. In the community beyond Trinity, Kroeger has presented to the Southwest Gem and Mineral Society, the Geology Club of San Antonio, and the Rotary Club of Boerne. He designed, coordinated, 并为七年级学生提供了全天地球科学体验的多次迭代,作为HHMI资助的赌博娱乐平台网址大全科学学院的一部分. Kroeger是地震学联合机构(IRIS)教育和推广委员会的主要成员。, 致力于提高对地震学和地球物理学的认识和理解,同时激发地球科学领域的职业发展.

Claudia Stokes, Ph.D.

Professor, English

Claudia Stokes is a renowned scholar of 19th-century American literature, with particular expertise in the era’s women writers. She has published three monographs, two of them with the University of Pennsylvania Press, the top press in her field. Stokes’s edition of Elizabeth Stuart Phelps’s The Gates Ajar was published by Penguin in 2019, 此后,她受牛津大学出版社的委托,编辑了两卷本的 Religious Writings in the Collected Writings of Harriet Beecher Stowe该项目得到了美国国家人文基金会(National Endowment for the Humanities) 4.5万美元的资助. 她的学术著作获得了多个重要奖项和奖项的认可, 包括1921年美国文学协会颁发的论文奖, 由现代语言妇女核心小组颁发的弗洛伦斯·豪英语奖, 并获得了由美国女性作家研究协会颁发的三年一度的图书奖的荣誉奖.

Dr. Danny J. Anderson Faculty Prize

The Danny J. 安德森教授奖是为了纪念丹尼·J·安德森校长而设立的. Anderson, Ph.D., who retired in May 2022. 该奖项的基本目的是表彰赌博娱乐平台网址大全教师在指导研究生方面做出的杰出贡献. 所有终身教职和即将获得终身教职的教职员工都有资格获得考虑. 这个奖项是由赌博平台网站大全联合捐赠的 Board of Trustees and Board of Visitors.

John Anders, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Economics

In four short years at Trinity, John Anders 在经济系和城市研究项目指导了20多名本科生的研究. 这些学生中的大多数都参加了由罗素塞奇基金会资助的多机构研究项目, 这个项目使用数据来衡量划红线政策和种族隔离的长期影响. Under the direction of this dedicated teacher-scholar, students have learned and used such diverse methods as text analysis, web scraping, and GIS coding. Most recently, 安德斯与一位本科生合著了一篇论文,认为在废除种族隔离的学校环境中长大可以降低成年后犯罪的可能性. 通过指导本科生和建立跨大学的合作研究网络, 安德斯正在帮助推进赌博娱乐平台网址大全培养卓越创新的使命.

Dr. Deneese L. Jones Award for Inclusive Excellence

Dr. Deneese L. Jones is a multicultural educator, scholar of equity pedagogy, 资深学术带头人,从事教育工作超过40年. 2016年至2021年,她担任赌博平台网站大全学术事务副校长,是第一位担任赌博平台网站大全首席学术官的有色人种女性. In honor of Dr. Jones, two $2,每年颁发一名终身教职或终身教职教职员工和一名员工,以表彰他们对包容性卓越的杰出支持.

LadyStacie Rimes-Boyd, J.D.


LadyStacie Rimes-Boyd 自2014年加入我们的校园以来,您一直致力于建设一个更好的赌博娱乐平台网址大全社区. 除了她致力于帮助学生通过CELCS取得成功, Rimes-Boyd has taken on several key service pieces across campus. She has served as vice chair of the Pre-Law Advisory Committee, 赌博娱乐平台网址大全法律预科社团和黑人学生会的联合顾问, member of the Trinity Strengths team, member of the Inclusive Excellence Advisory Council, and former advisor to Trinity University Volunteer Action Community. 她也是黑人教职员工组织的协调员之一, which creates community, networking, and professional support for our Black (African-American, African, and Diaspora) colleagues. 

Corina Maeder ’99, Ph.D.

Associate Professor and Chair, Chemistry

Corina Maeder has worked to provide an equitable, inclusive, 作为一名教师兼学者和系主任,她的工作非常出色. As chair, 梅德鼓励她所在的院系通过使用匿名的候选人材料来改进他们的教师搜索过程,并广泛改革他们的评估标准,以尽量减少隐性偏见. 梅德尔将关于系统性种族主义如何影响科学和医学的讨论纳入了生物化学课程. At the University level, 她为第一代大学生组织了赌博娱乐平台网址大全的三阿尔法国家荣誉协会分会, helping to build community and support for first-generation students, staff, and faculty. She has served on committees to build equitable practices, 比如包容性卓越咨询委员会和DEI中心工作组. At the community level, 梅德在过去的10年里一直在经营“STEM日女性”高中项目, raising $65,000 in grants for research internships and field trips.

President’s Award for Exceptional Service to Students

校长学生杰出服务奖表彰一名教职员工,他们在课堂内外都是支持学生成功的重要合作伙伴. 获奖者的选择是基于他们如何支持学生在课堂内外的成功,以及他们如何超越他们的角色的典型责任, and they receive a $2,000 award for their service. 

Betty Curry

Director, Academic Support

Betty Curry 被学生们誉为“在课堂内外支持学生成功的重要合作伙伴的光辉榜样”.” Behind the scenes, 库里开发了天际线学者计划,以反映一年级学生不断变化的需求, 她是一个团队的关键合作伙伴,包括学术事务的同事, Student Affairs, and Athletics that supports students in times of need. Students who nominated Curry for this award noted that she is a person who is ready to work with them to achieve their goals; that she reflects a holistic, student-centered philosophy; and that she is someone who cares for them as human beings.

Kelly Grey Carlisle, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, English

Kelly Grey Carlisle exemplifies all aspects of a supportive professor and mentor, championing students’ success both in and out of the classroom. Numerous students express that Carlisle’s kindness, joy, positivity, 对他们的幸福和成功的外在关注帮助他们成为最好的自己. 卡莱尔以学生为中心的方法来她的课程和工作,确保学生可以成功, in both her nonfiction writing classroom and beyond. In her classes, 卡莱尔创造了一个欢迎和包容的环境,所有学生的声音从第一天起就被听到和尊重. 

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