Each year, 赌博平台网站大全通过各种讲座丰富了当地和校园社区, events, and series.

The University is excited to bring world renowned speakers to San Antonio, and invites you to join Trinity as we welcome these individuals. 

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Jane Goodall holds a stuffed gorilla during a lecture in Laurie Auditorium

DeCoursey Lecture Series

德库西系列讲座是由已故的埃尔伯特·德库西将军和夫人的礼物. Esther DeCoursey of San Antonio. The series features internationally celebrated scientists and humanists. The lecture has hosted Edward O. 威尔逊、德里克·帕菲特、简·古道尔、保罗·伯格、理查德·斯莫利、希林·伊巴迪和朱棣文. 欲了解更多信息,请联系学术事务办公室210-999-8201. 

Thomas J. Sargent speaks in Stieren Theater

DeCoursey Nobel Economist Lecture

本系列由赌博娱乐平台网址大全经济系赞助,并通过已故的Gen. Elbert DeCoursey and Mrs. DeCoursey of San Antonio. The series brings a former Nobel economist recipient to Trinity. Generally, the lecture takes place during the spring semester. Former speakers include Thomas Sargent, Roger Myerson, Peter Diamond, Paul Krugman, Amartya Sen, and Joseph Stiglitz. For more information, contact the Department of Economics at 210-999-7221.

Astronaut Scott Kelly speaks in Laurie Auditorium

Distinguished Lecture Series

This series is made possible through the generosity of the Walter F. Brown Family of San Antonio. This series brings some of the most influential leaders, pioneers, 我们这个时代的思想家们来赌博娱乐平台网址大全分享他们的个人旅程,并提供对他们一生工作的见解. The series has hosted Walter Cronkite, Henry Kissinger, Walter Mondale, Elie Wiesel, Mario Cuomo, Benazir Bhutto, Dick Cheney, Desmond Tutu, Benjamin Netanyahu, Madeleine Albright, Robert Gates, and David Brooks, among others. 欲了解更多信息,请联系战略传播和营销210-999-8406.

Gabriela Gonzalez speaks with a student before a lecture in CSI

Distinguished Scientist Lecture Series

赌博平台网站大全杰出科学家系列讲座是由沃尔特·F·盖茨基金会捐赠的. Brown Family of San Antonio. The lecture brings pioneering U.S. and international scientists to Trinity. Past speakers include Robert Sapolsky, Scott W. Tinker, John C. Mather, Robert A. Bjork, and David Eagleman. For more information, contact Office of Academic Affairs at 210-999-8201.

Colin Powell speaks in Laurie Auditorium

Flora Cameron Lecture on Politics and Public Affairs

弗洛拉·卡梅伦政治与公共事务讲座的举办得益于已故的卡梅伦夫人的捐赠. Flora C. Crichton of San Antonio and is held during the spring semester. This lecture brings world leaders, heads of state, and politicians to Trinity to discuss their careers, historic events, and the modern political climate. The lecture has hosted Martin E. Dempsey, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Margaret Thatcher, Rudy Giuliani, George H.W. Bush, Vicente Fox, Tony Blair, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, and Jeb Bush, among others. 欲了解更多信息,请联系战略传播和营销210-999-8406.

Les Bleamaster gives a lecture in front of an AirMed plane

Food for Thought Lecture Series

The Food for Thought lecture series allows Trinity alumni, staff, faculty, 以及圣安东尼奥社区的成员参加赌博娱乐平台网址大全教授的讲座. The event includes a buffet lunch. Typically, there are three lectures each spring. 三个讲座的季费是50美元,一个讲座是18美元. 欲了解更多信息,请联系校友关系办公室210-999-8404.

Luz Cristal speaks in Chapman Auditorium

Lennox Seminar Lectures

伦诺克斯系列讲座是由玛莎,大卫和巴格比伦诺克斯基金会制作的. Departments including human communication, theatre, classical studies, modern languages and literatures, history, religion, sociology, communication, and others have hosted the Lennox Seminar Lectures. Four lectures center around a single topic, 每位客座教授都会就所选主题提供不同的观点. 讨论会的一项成果是由演讲者和讨论会参与者编写的论文选集,并向更广泛的社区提供. 欲了解更多信息,请联系学术事务办公室210-999-8201.

Ijeoma Oluo speaks in Laurie Auditorium

Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Lecture

本讲座纪念民权领袖马丁·路德·金的遗产. 这次讲座是与圣安东尼奥市马丁·路德·金合作举办的. Commission and Trinity University. The lecture has hosted Freeman A. Hrabowski, Tim Wise, Julianne Malveaux, Boyce Watkins, Bernice King, and Ilyasah Shabazz, among others. The lecture takes place every January. 欲了解更多信息,请联系学生参与办公室210-999-7547.

Judy Woodruff speaks in Laurie Auditorium

Maverick Lecture

The Maverick Lecture is an event that honors the late Maury Maverick Jr., the legendary civil rights lawyer, former member of the Texas Legislature, Marine, and iconoclastic newspaper columnist. 讲座探讨了定义Maverick在美国公民话语中的地位的话题. These topics include threats to constitutional liberty, with particular emphasis on the First Amendment, issues of poverty and race, Western occupation of developing world countries, and the moral requirements of war. “特立独行”讲座由威廉和萨洛姆·斯坎兰基金会赞助. 欲了解更多信息,请联系校友关系和发展210-999-8404.

three musicians play string instruments in Parker chapel

Mexico, the Americas, and Spain (MAS) Alvarez Seminar

通过卡洛斯和Malú阿尔瓦雷斯的慷慨解囊,MAS系列赛成为可能. The series celebrates the history and influence of Mexico, the Americas, and Spain through art exhibits, lectures, film screenings, readings, workshops, and musical performances. 它本质上是跨学科的,研讨会的协调由来自不同学术部门的MAS教师轮流进行. For more information, contact Elseke Membreño-Zenteno at 210-999-8826.

Daniel Lubetzky speaks for the policy maker breakfast series

Policy Maker Breakfast Series

政策制定者早餐系列将来自美国各地的国家领导人聚集到圣安东尼奥,就各种主题发表演讲, from politics to the economy to the role of the news media. Former speakers include Keith B. 亚历山大,杰伊·卡尼,大卫·布罗德,塔克·卡尔森,汤姆·彼得斯,安·康普顿,查克·哈格尔,尼娜·J. Easton, Bob Schieffer, and Jon Huntsman Jr. Breakfasts take place during both the fall and spring semesters, with two breakfasts scheduled for each semester. 该系列由史蒂文斯学术充实基金和会议和特别项目办公室赞助. 欲了解更多信息,请联系会议和特别节目210-999-7601.

Raymond Bonner and Diana Holt speak in Laurie Auditorium

Reading TUgether Lecture Series

Each year, 赌博平台网站大全社区通过“一起阅读”项目分享共同的阅读体验, in which students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to all read a single book. 其中包括迈克尔·莫斯的《赌博娱乐平台网址大全》, The Circle by David Eggers, The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down by Anne Fadiman, The Emperor of All Maladies by Siddhartha Mukherjee, and Empire of the Summer Moon by S.C. Gwynne. Designed to enhance the first-year experience, the lecture occurs during New Student Orientation each fall. For more information, contact Academic Affairs at 210-999-8201.

Zadie Smith speaks in the Ruth Taylor Recital Hall

Stieren Arts Enrichment Series

通过简和圣安东尼奥的已故亚瑟·斯蒂文的慷慨解囊,这个系列成为可能. 这个系列为校园带来了一系列杰出的艺术领域的杰出领袖, music, drama, communication, literature, art history, and aesthetics. The Stieren series encompasses both the fall and spring semesters. 欲了解更多信息,请联系教师和学生事务办公室210-999-7246.

Roxanne Gay speaks in the Ruth Taylor Recital Hall

Women’s History Month

March is Women's History Month, 大学举办一系列活动来庆祝,包括露丝·麦克莱恩·鲍曼·鲍尔斯讲座. Bowers, a longtime benefactor of Trinity, served on the Board of Trustees and encouraged University programs, including annual Women’s History Month activities on campus. For more information, contact Jenny Browne at 210-999-7567.

Darwin Day Lecture

赌博平台网站大全达尔文日委员会组织一年一度的讲座来庆祝查尔斯·达尔文的生平和学术成就. Each February, a keynote lecturer provides a talk on research in biology, evolution, biodiversity, paleontology, chemistry, and other relevant disciplines. The lecture is sponsored by multiple departments, including biology, chemistry, computer science, religion, economics, math, engineering science, geosciences, philosophy, physics and astronomy, political science, and English. For more information, contact Michele Johnson at 210-999-8918.

McGavock Lecture Series

This lecture series honors the memory of William Crews McGavock, 前化学教授,在建立化学系师生研究的传统方面起了重要作用. McGavock系列讲座由McGavock遗产的捐赠和化学和生物化学校友的捐赠支持. For more information, contact the Department of Chemistry at 210-999-7381.

Southwest Texas Archaeological Society Lecture Series

Covering a wide variety of topics within the field of archaeology, 西南德克萨斯考古学会(SWTAS)系列讲座是免费向公众开放的. The series is made possible by the Archaeological Institute of America, SWTAS, 以及圣赌博平台网站大全古典研究系,并偶尔与UTSA和圣安东尼奥学院合作. For more information, 联系古典研究系210-999-7653或咨询SWTAS网站.

Jan and Tom Tinker Memorial Lecture on Science and the Humanities

简和汤姆·廷克纪念科学与人文讲座的目的是支持演讲者进行校园访问和全校范围内的科学与人文交叉讲座, contributing to an interdisciplinary educational student experience. 这次捐赠讲座是为了纪念简·廷克和汤姆·廷克夫妇,以纪念他们对赌博平台网站大全的热爱,以及他们通过他们家族的许多赌博娱乐平台网址大全毕业生帮助建立的遗产, including their children Dr. Scott Tinker ’82, Dr. Mark Tinker ’91, and Jill Tinker Duncan ’80.