• Jennifer 马修斯 is a professor of anthropology in the sociology and anthropology department at 圣赌博平台网站大全, where she teaches courses in archaeology and biological anthropology. She studies ancient and historical Maya archaeology, as well as issues of sustainability and tourism. 她被任命为2019-20年度的获奖者 Dr. 和夫人. Z.T. 斯科特学院奖学金 in recognition of her outstanding abilities as a teacher and mentor and was selected as a Piper教授 (a state-wide teaching award for superior teaching at the college level) for 2020. Most recently, she was appointed to the Murchison Term 教授ship for 2023-2026. 

    她获得了硕士和博士学位.D. 在人类学, 专攻玛雅考古学, 来自加州大学河滨分校. Her undergraduate degree was 在人类学 from San Diego State University (1991). She has been conducting fieldwork and archival research in 墨西哥 since 1993.

    She has written journal articles, book chapters and four edited books on Maya archaeology: 金塔纳罗奥考古| UAPress(亚利桑那州.edu)
    (与贾斯汀·肖合编), 北玛雅低地的生命之路| UAPress (arizona).edu) (与Bethany A .合编. Morrison), 《赌博娱乐平台网址大全》| UAPress出版社(亚利桑那州.edu): 玛雅地区史前到当代的商品 (与Tom Guderjan合编),以及 玛雅空间的建设| UAPress(亚利桑那州).edu): Causeways, Walls, and Open Areas from Ancient to Modern Times (与汤姆·古德扬合编). 她还出版了 一种树胶 -美国口香糖| UAPress出版社(亚利桑那州.edu): 从古玛雅到威廉·瑞格利 (与吉莉安P. 舒尔茨),并与约翰·古斯特(John Gust)合著了一本书 The Bittersweet History of Labor and Life on the Yucatán Peninsula| UAPress (arizona.edu). She is currently working on a book about the deep history of the avocado, from its origins in Mesoamerica to their arrival in California in the nineteenth century. 

    • Ph.D. 加州大学河滨分校人类学专业
    • M.A. 加州大学河滨分校人类学专业
    • B.A. 圣地亚哥州立大学人类学博士
    • 2023,托马斯·H. 古德扬和詹妮弗·P. 马修斯, “Construction of Maya Space: Causeways, Walls, and Open Areas from Ancient to Modern Times”
    • 2023,马修斯,詹妮弗·P. 约翰·R. Gust, “Distilling the Past Through the Present: Discussions with Contemporary U.S. Rum Makers for Understanding 19th Century Rum Making in the Yucatán Peninsula.这是同行评议编辑卷中的一章 “The Transnational Construction of Mayanness: Reading Modern Mesoamerica through U.S. 档案” 正在与科罗拉多大学出版社联系, Ben Fallaw和Fernando Armstrong-Fumero, 编辑器. 
    • 2022,马修斯,詹妮弗·P.约翰·H. 古斯特和斯科特·L. Fedick, “Preserving the 19th Century in the Throes of 21st Century Development: Twenty Years of Historical Archaeology in the Yalahau and Costa Escondida Regions of Quintana Roo, 墨西哥."卷中的一章 Coloniality in the Maya Lowlands: Archaeological Perspectives,由Kathryn Diserens Morgan和Tiffany A编辑. 该隐. 博尔德:科罗拉多大学出版社
    • 2022,马修斯,詹妮弗·P. 《赌博娱乐平台网址大全》.” In 牛津拉丁美洲研究百科全书, pp. 1-19,斯蒂芬·韦伯主编. 纽约:牛津大学出版社. 
    • 2020 Gust, John R. 和詹妮弗·P. 马修斯 "Bittersweet History: Sugarcane, Rum, Labor and Life on the Yucatán Peninsula." Peer-reviewed monograph with the 亚利桑那大学出版社, Tucson.
    • 2020马修斯,詹妮弗·P. “Protecting the Archaeological Past in the Face of Tourism Demand."卷中的一章 “Tourism and Archaeology,” edited by Dallen J. Timothy and Lina Tahan, Channel View Publications, United Kingdom.
    • 2017马修斯,詹妮弗P. 约翰·盖斯特. “国际化的生活? Examining the Sugar and Rum Industry of the Costa Escondida, Quintana Roo 墨西哥."这一章收录在经过同行评审的编辑卷中, The Value of Things: Prehistoric to Contemporary Maya Commodities. 亚利桑那大学出版社.
    • 2015 马修斯詹妮弗·P. “A Tale of Two Projects: Comparative Findings of the CRAS and Yalahau Projects."卷中的一章 The Maya of the Cochuah Region: Archaeological and Ethnographic Perspectives on the Northern Maya Lowlands,由Justine M .编辑. 肖,页. 269-280. 新墨西哥大学出版社,阿尔伯克基.
    • 2013 Castañeda, Quetzil E. 和詹妮弗·P. 马修斯. 旅游的考古麦加:探索, 保护, Exploitation” and “Life on the ‘B’ List: Archaeology and Tourism at Sites that aren’t Postcard Worthy."在 旅游与考古:可持续的会议场所, pp. 37-64,卡梅隆·沃克和尼尔·卡尔,编辑. 左海岸出版社,核桃溪,加利福尼亚. (同行评议,编辑卷). 
    • Scott L . Fedick.詹妮弗·P. 马修斯和凯瑟琳·索伦森. “Cenotes as Conceptual Boundary Markers at the Ancient Maya Site of T’isil, Quintana Roo, 墨西哥.” 墨西哥,第三十四卷 (No. 5): 118-123. 
    • 2011 Glover, Jeffrey B, Rissolo, Dominique和詹妮弗·P. 马修斯. “The Hidden World of the Maritime Maya: Lost Landscapes along the North Coast of Quintana Roo.” In 海洋景观考古学,由本杰明·福特编辑,第391页. 195-216. 斯普林格出版社,纽约,纽约.
    • 2009 马修斯詹妮弗·P. 与吉莉安·P. 舒尔茨. 一种树胶. The Chewing Gum of the Americas: 从古玛雅到威廉·瑞格利, 亚利桑那大学出版社. 

    教授 马修斯' research has focused on the ancient Maya, 学习的道路, 体系结构, 以及网站的布局, although more recently she has been focusing on the post-Colonial period of the Yucatan Peninsula (1850–1950), 看看甘蔗等大宗商品的提取, 口香糖(口香糖的底部), 朗姆酒生产, 和鳄梨. 

    教授 马修斯 works regularly with local museums such as the 圣安东尼奥 Museum of Art (SAMA) to teach docents about the ancient cultures of Mesoamerica, and her students provide copies of their semester-long research papers on pieces in their collection including contributing text to their e-Museum descriptions. She has a service project every semester in her classes to raise money for a cause related to the class, such as the 圣安东尼奥 Food Bank (Eating and Drinking in the 19th Century), adopting primates at the 圣安东尼奥 Zoo (Seminar in Primatology) or supporting Maya women artisans in Mesoamerica (Ancient Art of Mesoamerica and Seminar on the Ancient Maya). She has also curated two exhibits "The Modern Maya: The Photographs of Macduff Everton" and "Crafting Maya Identity."